Can You Really Beat the Market? Here Are 5 Tips that Will Give You an Advantage

The market can indeed be beaten. I know because I have beat it many, many times, including in a recent trading competition I won, which you can read about here.
The point of today’s lesson is not to convince you that the market can be beaten, because if you don’t believe it can be beaten then why are you even playing the ‘game’? Today’s lesson is meant to help you make the market easier to beat; to increase your edge over the market.
Whilst I can’t give you every ‘secret’ in one article, the following tips are some relatively easy things you can do to actually give you a much higher chance of success. Most traders don’t understand these topics fully so I wanted to discuss them today. You see, it’s not just your trading strategy that you need to get down, there are other aspects to trading that you need to understand to get the most out of your trading method…CLICK HIER


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