How do I gain more profit from stock trading?

Many people usually say, in order to make profit from stock market, you need to know the secret behind it.

But the truth is there are NO Secrets.

Profitable traders who make a consistent returns and make a living out of it follow one simple rule. That is KISS! 

But problem with us is we always believe in the things which are more complex, when someone say he uses statistical models, mathematical analysis, complex algorithms, HFT etc then we tend to believe these guys make hell lot of money.

But if someone says, he is a full time trader, who is trading for living, if relives his strategy which is simple price action strategy based on support and resistance, we do not believe him. We doubt him, how the hell he could make money with such simple trading system??

But you must know one thing

  1. To make more profits out of markets, don't make things over complicated.
  2. Learn the art of Technical analysis.
  3. Create a simple rules for trading, follow it with strict discipline and gradually you will start making more profits.
  4. Simple Support and Resistance based trading using charts is enough to make profits in markets.

This is how most traders think:

But this is how you must think to be a profitable trader


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